
Procrastination kills.

  You know, I’ve always considered myself an expert in the art of poor choices. Take this week, for instance. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to do my projects this weekend as there would be holidays due to rain and here I am struggling with all the assignments at once. I am armed with over confidence that leads to more steps than a disciplined routine.  Then there was the time I decided to do it but then began chilling with my friends at the thought of how hard could it be? I could do it within overnight. Ah, now my procrastination kills me. Honestly, if there were an Olympics for bad decisions and procrastination, I’d be standing on the podium, gold medal in hand, proudly declaring, “At least I tried!” Which has led me to say this... Ahhh...Gotta go have projects to complete.(Crying) Byeee.

Anxiety all over.

I'm a person who loves mysteries but when it comes to my future, duhhhh!                         ANXIETY ALL OVER In a world filled with predictions and prophecies, no one ever seemed to get it right.  And then there was the local psychic, who always had the poor parrots locked up and claimed they were intelligent fortune tellers. “I see travel in your future!” she’d declare, but it always ended up being a trip to the grocery store.  “Just remember, when life gives you lemons, you should probably check if they’re organic first!” It all began when those random desi aunties and uncles whom you doesn't even know comes up to you with, Aduthu enna?(What's next) Your funeral. I mean that's the most practical thing I could say from seeing her future. (Take care of your health aunty, uncle) (No offence it's just that I love them a lottt)   But the real kicker came during a question popped up midnight: “What is the most accurate way to predict the future?”..... “Guessing!” A

Life is short.

Do you guys realise that life is short and so are you? what we can do in this short span is real the question. Here's my bucket list. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. Life is short that at the end of the day, it's night. Life is short so never give up on your dreams keep sleeping. Life is short to be lazy, instead prefer selective participation. (Vocabulary makes us sound expensive) Iykyk Life is short to be normal, stay weird. Life is short. Leave no lovely word unsaid. Especially to your friends. Life is short so just hehe your way through life. (😁/😈) as you wish. Life may be 5'3 but be a 10 So... finally, NOTHING. Life is short. STOP wasting your time and go to bed.

Madrasis; hold tight onto boat

What's happening?? Fogg❌Fog✅ tha happening. My hatred towards rain has crossed more than 6 years (Ik it may sound weird for most of you but that's the truth I haaatee the rain). (Also, don't come up with the How could anyone hate the rain?! reelπŸ˜’). I hate it and I will continue to hate it. Grateful for your curses.  And as they say opposites attract, I happen to travel back from home to hostel during Red alert times just like today.  They say, The universe falls in love with a stubborn heart.          This quote made me realise that it had another perspective. So to break my stubborn heart, it gave me holidays for five consecutive days. BUT AT WHAT COST? I came dripping through the storm leaving back my home, family, food, everything just to be pinned down at a place with thunderstorms, lightning and all the uncertain mess. What a gift by the universe, really appreciate it.  That doesn't end in the past, now here I am in Chennai tucked myself inside a blanket holding m

The call of the void

  L'appel du vide is a French phrase that translates to "the call of the void" in English. It describes the feeling of wanting to jump into a void when looking down from a high place. This feeling is not a desire to commit suicide, but rather a magnetic pull to take a leap.  The call of the void is also known as the "High Place Phenomenon" (HPP). It can be triggered by a number of factors, including: Misinterpreting a safety signal, Fear, Being more sensitive to safety signals, and Higher levels of anxiety.  Like,  Feeling the need to swerve and crash into a tree while driving  Jerking the steering wheel to the left on a bridge  Feeling the impulse to jump in front of a train approaching a platform  Sitting down to write a new show  Cooking freestyle without a recipe  Committing to a collaboration with someone you've never worked with before  Racing your heart  Wanting to bolt out of the house and never return  Theory suggests that the call of the void is a

Social disease.

  I don't know if it's only me and MY MAN, Mohammad Ali thinking this way. I wanna share one of MY MAN'S interview clip convo to let the world knows how both of a intellectual and muscle power one he is.  Once my man asked his mom, " how come everything's 'white'?".  He said,  "why is Jesus white with blonde hair and blue eyes?".  "why is the lord's supper men all white?". "Angels are white, pope and mary". Then he asked, "Do we go to heaven when we die?". His mom answered, "naturally we go to  heaven". To which he wondered, "what happened to the black angels when picture is taken". The angel's food cake was a white cake and the devil's food cake was the chocolate cake. Tarzan who lives in the African jungle is white. The president live in the white house. Mary had a little lamb who's fleece was white as snow. Snow white and everything is white. Santa Claus is white. Everything


Hmmm, PARADISE. PARADISE it is. When your numb tastebuds revive from the home cooked meal fed by your father in your home after going through all the hell. Just pure paradise. (Hostellers pov: Iykyk).  And as everyone knows, it isn't that easy to endure paradise. You have to sustain in the long distance torment, consume those edible tasteless carbohydrates, stay in the hut you know literally the live in the stone age.  It may seem horrible but the real torture begins when you have to travel back home HUNDREDS of miles. It may be four or five hours but feels like forever. Then when you set foot in your, YOUR home ground ahhh, the air, the people, the known places and faces, nostalgia hits.  That's not it. Your eyes look for your father who's been waiting for your arrival even before you reach. You take a ride home in your father's bike (your forever favourite vehicle in which you had your first superhero experience of breaking through the air). Then when you enter the st