
I've been followed by a beautiful stalker. At dawn, he floats beside my window to greet my day, wrapping in a gentle embrace of mist. In the afternoon, he casts playful shadows over my path, lightening my mood with his whimsical forms. Even during the evening, as the sun sets, he transforms into a canvas of pink and orange, framing my journey with stunning colors.

He never intrudes but always hover at a distance, a silent guardian of my moments. His presence is both soothing and uncanny, reminding me that beauty is always watching, shaping the world around me with his delicate touch. He drapes himself across the sky, a soft, white companion that mirrors my every step.

In the end, this beautiful stalker, a cloud that follows me through each chapter of my day  becomes a part of my story. He weaves through my memories, softening life’s harsh edges and painting my experiences with gentle hues. As he dances across the sky, he reminds me that beauty can be both a comfort and a mystery, an ever watchful presence that transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. With every glance upward, I am reminded that even in solitude, I am never truly alone; the cloud is there, a silent witness to the poetry of my life.


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