
Showing posts from September, 2024

Dance of death.

Intimacy with death is a quiet dance, a familiar embrace in the shadows. It’s the soft sigh of acceptance, where life and loss intertwine. We share secrets with the fading light, each moment a delicate thread connecting us to what was. In this space, we find comfort in vulnerability, knowing that every heartbeat brings us closer to the inevitable.  It’s a profound connection, a bittersweet reminder that love and mortality are forever intertwined, inviting us to cherish the fragile beauty of existence.


So you wake up, ready to tackle your day, and you see that phrase: "Just do it." At first, it feels like a command from the universe—like a personal trainer yelling at you to lift that weight. But instead, you're standing in your pajamas, contemplating whether to tackle the laundry or just watch another episode of your favorite show. Then it hits you: every small step counts! So you grab a sock, throw it in the laundry basket, and suddenly you feel like a champion. One sock at a time, you’re on your way! Remember, "just doing it" doesn’t mean you have to conquer the world in one go. It’s about starting whether that’s one workout, one task, or just one sock. And who knows? You might end up with a clean house and a little victory dance!


"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke(1967)              "Between what is said and not meant.                      And what is meant and not said.                                         Most love is lost."                                 - Khalil Gibran  Lost are the words you kept in mouth but never spoke it out. Lost are the thoughts you kept in mind to which you turned a blind eye. Lost are the feelings you kept in heart to which you never impart. Lost are the actions your hands never performed but always longed. Lost are the paths your legs never walked but always regret. And what is lost can't be found. And now they are LOST . Searching for the words which couldn't be found, our sentences are incomplete like an idiot who doesn't speak.  p.s.  She was trying to hold on and walk away at the same time, a war within the heart.

4 walls and a floor.

A House of My Own           Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty cactochan. My books and my stories. My sneaker collection waiting beside the bed. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobody's garbage to pick up after.          Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem. I read something like this but not this as I made some corrections of my own. I always dreamt of something like this only when I noticed that it could always be a house and not a home.


        "The Villain will always be a villain,                    if the hero tells the story." Every single thing exists with a role. And the bad news is that we don’t get to choose the role. And some things, unfortunately, are supposed to be out of our control.  Someone will always get the villain role in someone else’s life. And villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story. You might be the villain in one of your friends’ life because of course they are the hero in their story. People will always see you as the villain unless you’re willing to change yourself to be like the story teller.  Sometimes I want us to have superpowers or at least an additional talent like reading people’s mind so that this world wouldn’t be just like a staged theatre full of actors in their roles of being a hero in their life while making others the villains. By doing something unfamiliar and strange and maybe not socially acceptable, doesn’t mean it’s bad. I am sure we have wat

Art of Appreciation 🌟

  I give myself a star for getting out of my comfort zone and be the first to raise hand for something which I wouldn't have if I were my past self. And that one minute second of hand raise without hesitation took me to a different perspective of seeing people whom I prejudiced and widened my vision. I learnt that nothing is in the way, we think it is. Everything may have something that we dislike as it also has something that grasps our attention. You guys may feel I'm narcissistic but I'm really proud of what I've been doing for the past three days and I will definitely continue to do that. And am also grateful for the people who changed my insights, gave me a broad mind and an unforgettable event. "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary". - DEAD POETS SOCIETY  Thank you people.

Repetitive Harmony👁️

Our universe is bound by rules. It is full of conformity and obedience. Stars, Planets, Moon - all following the same motions, time to time. A universe of monotony. But, very often, something comes along this dull and repetitive harmony. Like how a Comet sets off with its own path - focused, unstoppable. And most importantly, hard to ignore. Why? Because it is out of ordinary, a rule breaker on the grandest stage - fearless and unapologetic, in its path for liberation. It is  NEVER SHY, NEVER SORRY. So people! shatter away your shyness & stay close to your chattels.

Euphoria 💫

This is how it feels when you start seeing good in people and good people after losing your hope over the world. In today's class, I heard this; "If a plant cannot live in the environment, it dies; and so a man".            -Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience. (Thanks for David Thoreau for using live and not survive). Cuz “I don’t want to survive,  I want to live!” Wall-E Likewise everyone in this mighty world has suffocation over their little environment, I have actually had too cuz the amazing anonymous people I met today are the reason I still have hope on this planet and I'm heartfully thankful for each and everyone who made my day not only by giving hope but also making my conscience happy. It made me realise that  If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.” Ratatouille  Forever grateful people🤍


Me in my afterworld tryna prove that ghosts are real. Really, apart from the jokes What happens after we die?  That's a common query everybody has. Some people I know who gonna go to hell think they'll go to heaven without any good deeds. But what happens really, we never know! Do we roam as ghosts?  Will we have memory or else are we gonna born as a fly and revenge on our enemies? (Oh, I'll do that in my present life but probably not as a fly I guess). Even in the afterworld, there’ll be social media platform where everyone posts their “best life” updates. Someone comments, “Wow, you really nailed the ghost look!” Finally, you reconnect with long lost friends. “I always knew I’d see you again!” one exclaims. You all laugh about your earthly lives. “Remember when we thought that diet would actually work? Classic!” They critique your earthly outfits mercilessly. “You wore that? Wow, bold choice!” one ghost snickers. You can only laugh and reply, “Hey, it was trendy in my tim

Echoes ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ

The voices in head are worse than people. It's not a monologue but a multi role taken by, where most of them are your real life and imaginary critics and on the other hand it's you. They’re loud and unyielding, drowning out any sense of calm or confidence. It’s a struggle to find clarity when they refuse to let up. They creep in during quiet moments, turning thoughts into a mix of self-criticism and anxiety. It’s like having a little critic living rent-free. They are relentless. They distort reality, amplifying fears and insecurities. In moments of silence, their whispers grow louder, wrapping around like a heavy fog. It’s exhausting, navigating a world where own thoughts feel like the enemy, drowning out any semblance of peace or clarity. Each day is a battle, caught in a cycle of isolation, where hope seems just out of reach. Voices in head becomes too wild to control, too raw to write, too scathed to fix Cuz                   "I've been searching for an exit       

Be a rebel🚫

               ...“Welcome to my rebellion!”... Being a rebel is all about flipping the script.  After all, life’s a comedy, and the best rebels are the ones who laugh at the rules! You know you’re living on the edge when you wear a T-shirt that says, “I’m with stupid” to a family gathering. Sure, Aunt Catherine might clutch her pearls, but deep down, she’s a little impressed. Then there’s the classic rebel against technology. You decide to go off the grid and refuse to update your phone. When your friends text you, you respond with handwritten letters. “Sorry, my carrier pigeon is busy!” You become the most mysterious person they know. When you refuse to follow the beaten path, you open the door to creativity. Think of famous artists and innovators who broke conventions. They didn’t just color outside the lines, they tore up the coloring book! Channeling your inner rebel can lead to unique ideas and solutions that wouldn’t have emerged otherwise. So, why not scribble outside the line

The unspoken! 👀

The unspoken verses, What do eyes hold? They just see things, don't they? Oh, Is it just that?  JUST THAT? The gaze of a person could narrate a story with each blink a pause, where the words unfold. Every soft glance holds secret dreams and screams. They are the silent poets of the face. On a painter's palette they swirl like colors, blues of sorrow, fiery reds of passion, and soft greens of hope. They are the vibrant brushstrokes that convey the spectrum of human emotion, shades of joy, whispers of sorrow, and flickers of desire. In the language of eyes, all hearts align within their depths revealing the soul where the soul’s secrets unwind. A glance becomes a melody, a silent song, binding us together where we truly belong. They shimmer with stories, both tender and bold, revealing emotions that words can’t hold. Through this unspoken dialogue, we find our way, for in the language of eyes, we discover our truth. A profound intimacy that speaks of our youth.👀

Lemons 🍋

 Have you guys heard of this quote,                  When Life Gives You Lemons,                             Make Lemonade What if we took a different approach? Instead of making lemonade, why not embrace the lemon for what it is? Sure, it’s sour, but it’s also versatile! You can use it for cleaning, in cooking, or as a natural air freshener! Life gives you lemons? Great! Now you’ve got a new cleaning supply! Or else why not squeeze it in eyes of the people who say, “Just add a little sugar!” Sure, but at what cost? A spoonful of sugar doesn’t fix the fact that your car just broke down! It’s like trying to sweeten a disaster. “Oh, my house is on fire? Here’s a sugar cube!” Sure, it might lead to some confused looks and a few very citrusy complaints, but at least you’ll brighten their day with a splash of unexpected zest. Just imagine the expressions on their faces: “I came here for a refreshing drink, and you respond, here it is!". So next time life hands you those sour fruits, re

My Alien Hero!🔟

Heroes, Hilarious and Heartfelt Wisdom from an Alien-Fighting Kid Who knew that a show about a 10-year-old kid who can transform into various aliens could offer deep life lessons? If you’ve ever watched Ben 10 and thought, “Wow, this kid’s fighting aliens, but he’s also fighting for life lessons!” you’re not alone. Let’s dive into some surprisingly profound and hilariously odd life lessons from Ben Tennyson’s adventures: 1. Sometimes You Need to Think Outside the Omnitrix Ben’s Omnitrix is a high-tech wrist gadget that lets him turn into aliens, but he often needs to think beyond its functions. Lesson: When life gives you only one tool, think creatively. If you’re stuck with a calculator in a cooking class, maybe it’s time to rethink your recipe. 2. Embrace Your Inner Alien From a heat-vision-throwing Heatblast to a stretchy Four Arms, Ben’s alien forms are pretty wild. The lesson? Embrace your quirks. Whether you’re the friend who always wears mismatched socks or the one who can’t sto

Unusual traditions.

Unusual traditions.  What are they? Are they the usual superstitious beliefs? No. Then, is it the usual social stereotype? No. Don't make me mad. What are they? They are the systemized delinquents, legally approved crimes and offence which crushes  people. Those systemized delinquents, sorry the so called 'traditions' is where someone is considered inferior than the other and  is denied of the right to express their thoughts and questions. It is where people lose their own selves and turn into an superior egoistic conceited  monster and those who they dominate become mentally an inadequate pathetic duff. Cheers to those who made them feel that way🥂 What do they gain? What do you guys cultivate from sawing a person's soul? Is it pleasing your ego? It should, for the way you let people suffer. And for the puppets and the audience who abide their actions and enjoy their show know that you will become one of the victims and you are helping those monsters create victims. L

The Great Debate!

                          The Great Debate!                 Pineapple on pizza- yes or no? One of my friends, who's a weirdo (cuz she likes pineapple on pizza, I know weird,right?)But why do people have such weird taste buds. The guy who created this would've loved pizza and pineapple but he should have left as it is than pulling off with a dish like this. However a lot of people do like it. So we gonna be debating on the controversy of pineapple pizza. Lesssss gooo... Pros and Cons of the pineapple pizza Okay the pros first, the unique flavour profile of the sweet and tanginess of the pineapple and the savoury of the ingredients stands a place in every one's heart(pineapple pizza lovers). Additionally, the cultural impact caused in pizza's diversity. The  con is the texture concern of the pineapple when baked and the argument that fruits don't belong in pizza. Pizza is a global phenomenon: How different cultures embrace pineapple on pizza Some countries explore i

Inanimate's Undercover.

The Secret Lives of Everyday Objects: What Your Phone, Coffee Maker, and Shoes Really Think About You Have you ever wondered what your everyday objects might say if they could talk? Imagine your phone, coffee maker, and shoes having their own little conversations about their daily experiences with you. Today, we're diving into the secret lives of these unassuming companions and finding out what they really think about their roles in your life. The Smartphone’s Perspective "ANOTHER SWIPE, ANOTHER DAY" Hey there, it’s your smartphone speaking. Let me give you a glimpse into my daily life. From the moment you wake up to the minute you go to bed, I’m with you—your constant companion. I see everything: the frantic morning scrolling, the endless notifications, and yes, even that 3 a.m. YouTube binge. Let me tell you, I have mixed feelings about your habit of accidentally dropping me. I’m tough, but that screen crack really stings. And those updates you keep putting off? They’re


There is a poem that, upon encountering it, left an indelible mark on my heart. Its words and imagery struck a chord so deep that the experience was nothing short of devastating.  This poem delves into the complex and often unsettling dynamics of dominancy, leaving a profound emotional impact. Through its nuanced portrayal of power and control, the poem exposes the darker facets of authority and submission.  Here, I present you "THE POEM".                           DOMINATING  You push, You pull, You bully every single soul, Arrogant speech smells so Foul Labeling & crushing Bugs - your only Goal! You suck blood like Leaches find Humans in the wild Your inflated ego Only to crush every simple mind. You only like a 'Kill' Yet you are just a trembling Jill  An unsafe, ungraceful soul Craving to reach Top of the Hill.                         -Swati Vaidya (May23,2011) The language and imagery employed evoke a deep sense of discomfort and reflection, as it navigates t

My spider sense🕷️🕸️

As a child, I used to have this quote "WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY" in my bedroom wall. I was convinced that my destiny was to become Spider-Man. I envisioned swinging between skyscrapers, battling supervillains, and using my spider sense to avoid every possible danger. My little kid brain pictured it like having a radar for trouble: the moment anything bad was about to happen, my spider sense would tingle, and I’d be ready to for action. But reality, had a different plan. My spider sense never quite developed the way I imagined. Instead of alerting me to impending doom, it seemed to be focused on the mundane tasks of life. I’d be snacking in the middle of the night when my spider sense would kick in, warning me that my mom might catch me sneaking.  Even worse was the “danger” that my spider sense seemed to have a knack for detecting impending chores. I’d be sitting on the sofa, eyes glued to the TV, when suddenly my spider sense would flare up with the unmis

Shadow speaks!

 Today I happened to attend an event where a SHADOW PUPPET team performed a story which I loved a lot and would like to share with you guys Let me just tell you the plot, shall I? The story begins with an amazing cloud who travels everywhere on search of people's stories. One day, he asks his bird friend ," Do you know someone with a story?" He answered that, he knows a whale from the ocean nearby. So he goes to the ocean and searches for this whale. After a while, he found him and asks him about his story. And the whale began, "I am someone who loves to swim around but sadly have this Nemo memory. So I usually tend to get lost while swimming and forget my help sign" ( the noise whales make during danger). And he goes on with how the aquatic beings react roughly to something which loved and a specification of a turtle which tells that "the kids these days are spoiled". Then the whale suggests to meet an elephant in the forest. When the cloud enquires o

Window seats!🌬️🍃

Why do we choose window seats all the time? Why do we get excited to sit in a window seat?? And why are we disappointed when we miss it??? From young kids to old people love window seats. Why is it so? What magic does it hold?? Is it just because we get to see a beautiful view? Or is that an only escape throughout the journey?? Is it just the power to distract us from what's happening around ? Or is it the curiosity to know the outer world?? Is it just because we wanna know the world? Or is it to ignore the world?? Is it just because we need some fresh air? Or is it because we are suffocating from the inside??                                       I started thinking about it, sitting in a window seat,          And "l don't know".

What KILLS Me?

What kills me?? It kills me  when I experience the worst sins happening around me everyday. It kills me when someone's denied of food, shelter, education and life's necessities only because of their so called man created identity. It kills me  when I hear how cruel the society is. It kills me when I understood how vulnerable people are. It kills me when someone is being stepped on and suppressed. It kills me when to see people please for others sin. It kills me  when I realised how unsafe the world is. It kills me when people's see others as lowlife. It kills me  that the fact, that the world runs on discrimination is true!                                      people, plants, animals, non- living things, nature, everything... everything has an hierarchy, and that hierarchial system is what I consider the greatest sin is. And                                                                               It   kills me. It kills me EVERY DAMN TIME. 


Introverts ASSEMBLE! Shout out to all the introverts out there. I'm today years old when I came to know that there are four types of introverts. SOCIAL INTROVERTS😶‍🌫️. This is the "classic" type of introvert. Social introverts like small groups and quiet settings over crowds. THINKING INTROVERTS🙄. People in this group are daydreamers. They spend a lot of time in their thoughts and tend to have creative imaginations. ANXIOUS INTROVERTS🫣. They seek out alone time not just because they like it, but also because they often feel awkward or shy around people. RESTRAINED/INHIBITED INTROVERTS😵‍💫. These introverts think before they act. They aren't likely to make a decision on a whim. Typically they take longer to take action. And no wonder I relate to all these four🥲 Oh, yeah. I wouldn't have mentioned before I am an "introvert". However I'm kinda getting into the process of becoming an ambivert which is not so working properly. And randomly ran into

The art of admiring!👀

Hey, fellas! Did you guys have tea as I suggested?? No, right? I knewww it. Why are you guys soo mean. (Overreacting emoji)  Huh, yes! The art of admiring.  Looking at the beauty in nature without any labelling is what I think is admiring. I know people have favourites, I have too. I love snakes, crows, my dear Severus Snape from Harry Potter (yeah, ofcourse I give my soul to Slytherin house) and a lot beyond your imagination. I have weird likings and different way of seeing beauty from the others and I'm absolutely in love with it. For me crows are no lower than a peacock or whatever people compare it with. They are unique creatures with great intelligence. Whether it comes people or else animals, flowers, or anything in this universe which are compared and discriminated has a beauty in it.                     "The Beauty Of Nature                      Is The Intrinsic Quality                                Of Things". A brook, a little star, a piece of cloud, a green le

Chill Brotha!😎

This image clearly tells my current state actually not only mine but my fellas's too. They say careless mindset won't get you anywhere but ours helped a lot. Our tip to someone who is  facing something would be  Bored where you are? Travel. Hate your job? Change it. Crave it? Have it. Think it? Say it. Want it? Buy it. Dream it? Chase it.  (From the book " Discipline is Destiny ") That's our MANTRA. And also have some tea man! It works like magic. No it is a Magic✨. I'm definitely telling you IT WILL WORK. Having a hot tea watching sunset with your friends with the blissful thing you'll ever live. As I have mentioned earlier about the killer movie "Dead Poets Society", there comes a beautiful quote Carpe diem which means sieze the day. I'm living over that one quote. So what are you waiting for fellas, Grab your keys, go out, have some tea, watch a movie, hangout with your friends and your day will definitely change heavenly. Have some fun do

When Love FAILS.

 It hit me hard when a legend once said, "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." ― JAMES A. BALDWIN True, it is. A question for you guys, HAVE YOU EVER LOVED SOMETHING??? (You are asking me?) Yes, I did and I DO. A regret which kills me day and night, a regret which pulls me down to hell, a regret which tears me apart! For something that I have lost.  Yes, it was a battle for me, a battle within me, which I lost. I may have lost it but I never stopped loving.                           (Yes, I WAS a boxer)

Carpe diem - sieze the day

One of my friends (Chandler) suggested me this movie called DEAD POETS SOCIETY which totally flipped my way of seeing poetry. It's like a last hope for me in my unknown world which helped me, helps me stay alive. Will always be grateful for that man! My heartfelt thanks to My Brother for that suggestion. I'm surviving my classes cuz of that. And...          O captain, My captain!                   You will be missed                        (Dead Poets Society)

Black and Blank

Today, I got this book called "DISCIPLINE IS DESTINY by Ryan Holiday" from someone special. And my inquisitive mind focused on the dark black and blank page on the front which really caught my eyes.  My mind asked "why is it black and blank  ?".  "How do I know?", i asked. But my memory kicked in and reminded me that I also have this other book "MANTOVIN PADAIPUGAL" which also has this same black and blank page, and was also gifted by someone special ( yes, I do have a lot of special people in my life. Jealous, huh?? ).  And I kept on thinking "why is it so?" As usual my silly brain came up with those lame reasons like maybe the author has starting trouble (like me) or else he would've forgotten (again, just like me). "I don't think so", baffled my little intellectual part of brain. I kept thinking on and on...                       ...(One eternity later)... Still, "I don't know ". And I'm all bla